A Toast Card
A good fit for any celebration and a reminder that every moment is worth celebrating. Bring it all in with our A Toast greeting card.
Card Details:
Color, White
Material, Cardstock
Size, A6
Zaria Cards logo printed on back of card. Card includes envelope (envelope color may vary) and comes in special Zaria Cards gift box.
*Kiss sold separately π
A good fit for any celebration and a reminder that every moment is worth celebrating. Bring it all in with our A Toast greeting card.
Card Details:
Color, White
Material, Cardstock
Size, A6
Zaria Cards logo printed on back of card. Card includes envelope (envelope color may vary) and comes in special Zaria Cards gift box.
*Kiss sold separately π
A good fit for any celebration and a reminder that every moment is worth celebrating. Bring it all in with our A Toast greeting card.
Card Details:
Color, White
Material, Cardstock
Size, A6
Zaria Cards logo printed on back of card. Card includes envelope (envelope color may vary) and comes in special Zaria Cards gift box.
*Kiss sold separately π